Happy first full Moon of the New Year

Happy first full Moon of the New Year

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Happy first full Moon of the New Year on January 13 in Cancer at 22.27 UTC. Mother Moon is coming home to her own sign of Cancer and is letting everyone know she’s back in town. She is called the Wolf Moon by a number of Native North American nations and in Europe or the Ice Moon. The Seneca nation tell how a wolf gave birth to the moon by singing her into the sky. (for the time of the full moonrise in your own location see www.timeanddate.com)

Especially in the seemingly endless dark days in the northern hemisphere we seek her light more eagerly than ever. For some the name recalls wolves howling at Mother Moon at the hungriest time of the year, the time of the clan sharing what they have; also a moon to recall those who have not, not just materially but who are alone through bereavement or divorce, estranged or far from family and as the Yule decorations are stored away for another year, see only the bleakness ahead. So, if you are safe within the shelter of close friends and family, spare a smile and maybe some practical gesture of help or the hand of friendship to those who have little or whose eyes reflect the sought or unsought solitude with in.

A special moon, in parts of the USA, Canada, Mexico, Africa, Portugal , the Azores and the Canary Islands, bright Mars is obscured by the moon for up to an hour on January 13 eve, a powerful reminder that love and kindness  can overcome aggression and the light of the family endure through even difficult times.

Hitch a ride with Muriel, the angel of the Cancerian full moon with her carpet of dreams if the road ahead seems tough and under the full moon, turn round and round till you are dizzy and the moon rushes towards you and fills you with that recaptured curiosity for adventure and the sheer amazement of being alive.

An emotional moon, so expect tears and protestations of love and devotion, both genuine and crocodile tears that have a price and a sting in the tail. You will know whether love and loyalty are real if you trust your intuition, give common sense an airing-and do not fall maybe for the hundredth time for It will be different this time. Leopards can repaint their spots but generally the top layer is peeling off before the February full moon in Leo has roared into the skies.

Call on this protective Cancerian moon for happiness at home, for family, children and fidelity, for any imaginative projects, also for keeping necessary secrets, especially love that cannot be revealed because one or both partners are not free, for conceiving a baby, for overcoming a relationship problem or betrayal, for major home renovations or refurbishing, for protection of the home and family, particularly against accidents or hostile or difficult neighbours.

Happy Moon-days.  

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