Cassandra Eason

International author of over 150 books, world-renowned psychic practitioner and psychic life coach

Welcome to the Full Buck Moon, July 21  

the second full moon in Capricorn this year (the previous one, the Strawberry Moon, was on June 21, mingling with the Solstice energies ). In a number of Native North American traditions, this is the time when antlers on stags are fully grown; known also as Thunder Moon because of the prevalence of sudden storms. It offers growing power, but power to be used wisely......
Welcome to the Summer Solstice
The height of the sun in the Northern hemisphere and the Midwinter Solstice, the rebirth of light in the Southern world on June 20 at 20.50
Traditionally the Solstice is celebrated for a three day/night period from June 19- 22 depending on the astronomical calendar of the particular year and your location. Close this year to the June Solstice is the Strawberry Full Moon (a uniting of solar and lunar energies that occurs only once about every twenty years). The transition from Gemini to Cancer too at this time, creates powerful integrating energies as mind and heart embrace both challenges and opportunities.......

Welcome to my Well of Wisdom

Welcome to the Well of Wisdom as Spring or Autumn dawns depending on where you live in the world, Time of planting and reaping in the cycle of the ever-turning Wheel.

2024 is the year of Metatron, shimmering Archangel of transformation, the scribe and the teacher, a year where step by step even as war and poverty extend their cruel grasp across the world, we can each of us start to make a difference to our own lives and in doing so working to transform the lives of others. It is said there is not enough darkness in the world to put out a single candle flame lit in love and hope, and to make our voices heard.

I have just finished the fifth book in my 1001 series with Sterling Ethos, due out early next year and on this site is the complete 25 Magical modules to guide you whether as a solitary practitioner, sharing your magical journey with friends or using the extra material for your coven,

Each month you will find information on the current moon and any seasonal festivals on my 'Latest' pages, and in time we will ever become a resource base to add to the ever-flowing stream of knowledge that belongs to us all and is built by us all through the years. The online courses are hands on and practical, suitable for total beginners and experts alike whether Angels, Auras, Psychic Protection, Crystals, Tarot readings, Runes or the soon arriving Celtic Tree Staves. 

There are no secrets. I share what I have learned over more than forty years and am still learning, a veritable mix and match of numerous topics you may wish to explore, add your own wisdom and pass on to those you meet. The website courses are different from my books as they are packed with activities to learn as people have done through the ages by doing and adapting what they discover to fit their own unique lifestyle, no tests or judgements of achievements, no time scales except those you set for yourself.
I still offer spells for any positive purpose specially crafted and if wished cast for individual needs. I do past life readings, life path divination, using Tarot, runes, crystals, numerology, the Egyptian oracle, my crystal ball, tree staves and my recently added tree and flower oracles; also in depth readings for the next twelve months, month by month for each individual’s chosen pathways and the spiritually focused In Spirit exploring your personal angels, guides, power animals, crystals with special rituals and empowerments.

The site also offers a space for me to help with issues that may trouble you and though I cannot always reply immediately, and have limited time I will do my best to offer a caring response. These are hard times and I am aware at 76 of the years passing ever faster which makes me value every moment. Those who read my site are part of what I call the Well of Wisdom, not my own but all the knowledge I have acquired through the years ,that others can add to it so increase that spiritual understanding from which I too daily learn.

Debi, my web manager makes it all happen and she is in addition a talented artist and craftswomen who is inspired by nature ( Her daughter the multi-faceted Caitlin manages my Instagram account and has also just published her first novel and is writing more. I am privileged to have such support.

As the Wheel turns to summer in the northern world and towards winter in the south I send you my blessings as you fulfil your beautiful destiny Cassandra 

March 2024

1001 Dreams: The Complete Book of Dream Interpretations

It's nearly here!!! The latest in my 1001 series of books. Available as Kindle, and Hardback (in USA) from 9th January and Hardback from 22nd  February in UK and Europe, ROW

Dreams are a window into the subconscious, and for those who understand their meanings, they are also a crucial step in self-understanding. In this comprehensive volume, author Cassandra Eason shares her decades of study on the subject. From visions of angels to trips to the zoo, from buying a dream home to escaping from demons, 
New article           

Fate and Fortune Magazine - March 2024

Latest articles in

Spirit & Destiny magazine
8 pages by Cassandra Eason including 'How to use your Palmistry cards...


Do you need help moving forward? Try one of my readings. I take a long time to do each reading in depth and send your reading by email so you have a permanent written copy. I offer a variety of readings from past life to wheel of the year...


Need to overcome a problem? Try one of my bespoke spells. My bespoke spells can help with many issues from love, to money, to health. I create the spell to suit your needs, and then send you a written copy of it so you can do it too if you wish....


Want to learn how to? I have a range of homestudy courses available and the list is always growing. Want to learn more about angles, auras, or crystals? Or maybe learn all about magick in a step by step way?

Cassandra Eason
