Cassandra Eason
International author of over 150 books, world-renowned psychic practitioner and psychic life coach
Important information
I am disturbed to learn a wholesaler is selling wands apparently blessed by me. I would never do mass blessings nor sell them and I fear this is a scam so please be careful.

Welcome to Cassandra's Well of Wisdom
Happy Imbolc 2025 Welcome to the approaching twin festivals of Imbolc in the Northern hemisphere and Lughnassadh or Lammas in the Southern world at the same moment in time ,spanning the end of January and beginning of February. Imbolc brings the first stirring of life, the fire in the belly of the maiden goddess, momentary warmth in the depths of winter. Lammas marks the willing offering by the Grain god of his life as the first harvest grain to be cut, made into the first loaf... READ MORE
Welcome to February 2025
Named after the Roman festival of fertility and purification held on February 15th, the festival of Februa became combined with the love and fertility festival Lupercalia held on the same day, from which we get St Valentine’s Day.
Februum means purification and so the festival of Februa involved cleansing and washing homes with water to bring the new Springtime energies into being and remove stagnation and what needed to be left behind. This can be as relevant in the Southern hemisphere for a new start before the winter or when life seems to have hit a brick wall. The Goddess Februa was mother of Mars, and Goddess of passion. Indeed, many modern Valentine Day customs derive from Lupercalia, that was dedicated to the goddess she-wolf Lupa, who suckled the twins Romulus and Remus, later the founders of Rome. On this day, unmarried girls and young men performed love and sex rites in the Grotto of the She-Wolf in order to bring fertility to animals, land and people.
In the modern world February is good for awakening new love and trust, for increasing good luck, melting coldness or indifference and planting the seeds of future success; also for spiritual and emotional as well as actual cleansing/purification of the home and your life especially after sickness or misfortune. Use a lavender floor wash and anoint door handles and window catches inside and out with rose water or fragrance.
Barakiel (or Barchiel), the bringer of good fortune is the Angel of February and helps reconciling differences, trusting intuition, combining two careers or interests, aiding psychic development, changing bad luck and assisting fortunate overseas travel. Barakiel or Barchiel wears robes of blue and gold and has lightning flashing from his halo. Avoid in February, if possible, encounters with officialdom, committing yourself to binding contracts if you have doubts, matters involving logic or attention to detail, people who are manipulative or dishonest and those who show excessive emotions, sentimentality or changeability according to who is present.
The colours of February are white and mauve.
The crystals are amethyst, coral, bloodstone and all fluorites.
Incenses and oils include honeysuckle, sweet grass and lotus.
Its flowers are daffodils, early spring flowers, water lilies and wisteria.
2025 is not a Leap Year and so this February has only 28 days. Leap Year did not come into being until the advent of the Gregorian calendar in England in 1752 and almost two hundred years earlier in Europe. February 29 appears when the calendar contains an extra day every four years (when the last two numbers in the year date can be divided by four). This is to put the astronomical calendar back into synchronicity.
A Barakiel Angel of February ritual for bringing the good fortune you most need
You will need
Five white candles as a pathway on a table, with a mirror propped on the table, so the reflected candle pathway leads into and continues in the mirror as well in actuality on the table.
Any time in February after dark, with no other light in the room., especially on 28th to compensate for the shorter month
- Light the candle furthest from the mirror saying Burn a pathway from my door. Each step taken leads to more. To what I seek and most want to be, Barakiel open the way for me. (you can name what you most want in the way of good fortune or leave it to Barakiel).
- Light each candle leading towards the mirror, repeating the words.
- When all candles are alight, stare into the mirror saying Barakiel Angel of Fortune, I follow this path of light trusting good fortune comes into sight.
- Close your eyes slowly, open them fast, blink and in the mirror or your mind’s vision you may see the form your February good luck will take.·
- Leave the candles to burn.

Do you need help moving forward? Try one of my readings. I take a long time to do each reading in depth and send your reading by email so you have a permanent written copy. I offer a variety of readings from past life to wheel of the year...

Need to overcome a problem? Try one of my bespoke spells. My bespoke spells can help with many issues from love, to money, to health. I create the spell to suit your needs, and then send you a written copy of it so you can do it too if you wish....

Want to learn how to? I have a range of homestudy courses available and the list is always growing. Want to learn more about angles, auras, or crystals? Or maybe learn all about magick in a step by step way?