International author of over 150 books, world-renowned psychic practitioner and psychic life coach

Bespoke Spells

Bespoke spells created for your exact needs Spells are created and performed for you by Cassandra. Your spell will be written up and sent to you by email within 3 weeks so you can perform the spell yourself if you wish (or simply read it through) any time you need to. 

I can create and cast a personal spell for you, or on behalf of a loved one as long as it is for a good purpose. I then send you a written copy of the spell, so if you wish, you can also cast it yourself. Spells cost £60
Your spell is made especially for you. All you need to do, after booking a spell, is send me an email with all the details, including the names and dates of birth of anyone involved. I will then cast the spell for you, three times, beginning as soon as possible at the right moon times. 

To order a spell Scroll to bottom of page, but first…. ….read ALL the information below, choose what you want your spell to achieve, make your payment then use the contact page to send your details and what specific requirements you have.  ALL PURPOSE SPELLS What you will need to send me: Your names and date of birth and/or that of the person or people for or about whom the spell is directed. Precisely what you want the spell to achieve, any desired time scale plus background information that may help me to tune into your situation better. 

Request “Read Receipt” before sending your email, so you know when your details have arrived with Cassandra. These are the sort of spell subjects you can have ·         
Love, marriage and lasting relationships   
Fertility and pregnancy
Reconciliation and bringing back a lost love or estranged family member        
Career, including finding a job, obtaining promotion, finding a new better job or launching your own business       
Creative ventures and all matters of learning, examinations and tests
Making wishes come true
Health and healing
House moves and buying, selling or renting a new home
New beginnings
Good luck and success in competitions and games of chance
All artistic and sporting ventures and finding fame
Children and families
Reversing bad luck

What spells can do 
A spell which is a series of repetitive words and actions such as candle lighting or writing in the air with an incense stick your wishes works by focusing the own inner psychic energies we all possess on your particular need. The spell itself raises or increases your inner powers by adding to them the old elemental forces; air in the form of an incense stick; earth usually as salt, herbs or flower petals; fire as a candle and water as either water itself or your favourite fragrance. Spells involve empowering your own aura or energy field and also a symbol of the spell purpose so that you can carry the energies of the spell with you in the symbol in the days afterwards. This symbol might be a favourite piece of jewellery or a crystal associated with the spell wish, for example rose quartz for love or lapis lazuli for employment. But it could equally be a personal object that you use daily at work or at home that when you touch it will fill you with power, charisma or confidence. Everything has a specific magical meaning, every crystal, every metal, every colour and fragrance and these I will suggest. I will also tell you the best time to cast your spell, based on the current moon phase or particular days of the week that will make your spell even more effective. Spells work not only by empowering your aura and the spell symbol to make you more powerful and confident to attract love or get the job or money you want. By a psychic power called psychokinesis a spell acts as a magnet to draw to you either a desired result or the right person. Equally it can create a psychic shield to protect you, your property and loved ones against harm or negative influences.

Generally a spell is cast at least three times over a specified period and if the spell purpose is an ongoing one for example success in a business you have set up, you can continue to cast the same spell for a long as necessary. I will also cast the spell for you if you wish and I will add my energies to yours as well as sending you the spell that is right for you. Though the spells I create can be carried out with items you will already have in your home or can be easily bought, some people do not wish to cast the spell themselves. I am able to do this on your behalf. In this case I recommend you light a candle and read the spell words either aloud or in your mind at the suggested time. Sometimes a spell can take a while to have effect and it is important that you use the spell energies to give you the confidence and impetus to go all out for what you want in the everyday world during the days and weeks after the spell.
Though I have known spells to have remarkably fast and very effective results the more you use your new power you have awakened to make things happen by your own efforts, the easier and faster the results. 

What spells cannot do 
You cannot even from the most powerful witch in the world ask for the almost impossible. For example to win a million pounds just by purchasing a spell. Spells have to act within the constraints of the real world and lottery wins for example are random. Nor can you demand a place at a top law school in a spell unless you have good qualifications. Spells increase your luck so that you are more likely to pick the right numbers at the right time or they can get any application noticed and help you to shine at an interview and help you to be in the right place at the right time to meet the right person or find the right opportunity. In a case where a lover has left you, a spell will build up loving mind to mind connections with the estranged person to help restore links. If the person does not come back (because everyone has their own free will) the spell will usually bring to you the person who is right for you and will make you happy. For everyone has free will and that free will includes the right of an individual to act stupidly, impulsively or destructively and magick cannot compel anyone to return against that will. Nor if you did get an uncaring lover back by magick or earthly means would they necessarily bring you lasting happiness. For that reason and because we cannot understand the sometimes complex pattern of the universe, I always add to any spell if it is right to be and if right to be at the time and in the way that will bring happiness and harm none. For all my spells are based on the principle of harming none, and happiness won at the expense of another’s misery rarely brings true joy. So spells are wonderful and empowering and have brought desired results many times in my own experience. But it is always my desire to be honest with you and not promise 100% cast iron results with the wave of a wand. I will do my very best to help and I will use my magical knowledge to create the best possible spell for you and will put all my expertise and energies behind it. But remember the magick is in you. The power is in you and if I can help you to use that power to make your life happier and more fulfilled, to bring you lasting love, fertility, prosperity and health then that is to me a successful spell. 

Read this before ordering your spell: 
There are many obstacles people want to overcome. Spells can help with realistic requests. If what you are seeking is beyond any realistic likelihood then I will not accept your order and will refund any payment sent. 
For example: I want to win a million on the lottery: If I could do that, then I would be a very rich lady!! I can however produce a spell that will help influence extra income to be attracted to you, maybe to help you get a better paid job, for example. I want to become the next president: Well, unless you are already in a successful political career, then this would not be likely to work. I can however create a spell to help you climb up you career ladder. To help you get that promotion that you seek; to help you get the interview for the job you’ve always wanted; to help you get accepted onto your chosen university course. 

Other spell requests that I do not undertake for anyone is spells that may cause harm to others. Spells should and must be used only for the greater good of oneself and/or others. For example: I want to punish my ex-boyfriend for leaving me: I will not do spells that cause anyone any harm, whether physical or mental. Spells can only be created for the good of oneself or of others. 

The Free Will of Others: Also, please note that spells cannot impinge on the free-will of others. However, spells can work in mysterious ways! The result of a spell may be unexpected, but very welcome. For example: The request of the return of a lost love that was not meant to be, may result in love attraction energies being increased around you so that you may meet and fall in love with someone totally different. Love was returned to you, just not the person you originally intended, because it was against that person’s will. I offer no guarantees that a spell will bring the results you expected – if it is not right to be so, then it will not happen – different and often unexpected results may happen though. You do have my guarantee that I will spend a great deal of time and energy creating a spell that is right for you. I am proud of what I do and normally the results speak for themselves.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Spells are created based entirely on the information given by the person making the booking. As such it remains confidential between the client and Cassandra and is not meant to be shared with to any third parties. Spells and any advice given with them will never suggest interfering with the free will of anyone. 

COST £60
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