Happy Full Wolf Moon

Happy Full Wolf Moon

Friday, January 6, 2023

Happy first full moon of 2023 January 6th, visible from the late afternoon in the UK and northern hemisphere and it will at its best around 11pm.

This first full moon in January is known among the Native North Americans as Wolf Moon because the wolves could be heard howling at Mother Moon at the hungriest time of the year, the time of the clan sharing whatever they had left. Wherever you live in the world the Full Moon of January is a moon to recall those who have nothing, not just materially but who are alone, estranged or far from family and who as the Yule decorations are pulled down, see only the bleakness ahead. So, if you are safe within the shelter of close friends and family, spare a smile and maybe some practical gesture of help or the hand of friendship to those who have little or whose eyes reflect the sought or unsought solitude within.

The Cancerian Full Moon is ruled by Muriel the silvery Angel of dreams and realistic wishes you can make come true through your own efforts. Muriel rides her magical carpet through the skies and on this moon, anything seems possible - and indeed it can be if you come out of the shell of self-doubt and ignore the discouragement of those who gain security from you staying just the same, ready and waiting to fulfil their needs.

This full moon in cancer also asks us to look back on old hurts and grudges and then let go of them so you can start this new year with without emotional baggage and give yourself the chance to shine as bright as the moon herself. If those emotions are hard to let go of, try to stand in the moonbeams tonight, throw your head back and howl like a wolf - howl as long and as hard as you can to get those old emotions out and as you breathe in, draw in the healing energies of the moon to take you forward with new hope in your heart.

Call on this moon for happiness at home, for family, children and fidelity, for bringing imaginative projects into the public arena, also for keeping necessary secrets, especially love that cannot be revealed because one or both partners are not free, for conceiving a baby, for overcoming a relationship problem or betrayal, for major home renovations or refurbishing, for protection of the home and family, particularly against accidents or hostile neighbours.

Dare to dream and to do, knowing those dreams are attainable through hard work and perseverance to open new doors, even as old ones slam shut. Your discarded or not fully developed talents are waiting in the wings to dance centre stage and receive the long overdue accolades of your worth.

Dare to love, to reach out risking hurt and rejection and if you are turned down then there is a whole world of love and life and fulfilment and an ocean of adventure beyond the rock pools of limitation.

Finally reach out to make your own good fortune:

You will need

A smooth round white shell or white stone.

A permanent marker pen in green. Timing: Any night leading up to the Cancerian full moon and/or full moon night or the day or two after.

The Spell

Write Good luck come to me’ all over the shell inside and out.

Take it out into the moonlight and say, Lady of the Moon, lady of the Moon, good luck be with me, stay with me, lady of the Moon.

Begin to turn around in alternate directions holding your good luck shell between your hands, very fast, all the while chanting the spell words.

When you go dizzy and see the moon rushing towards you, sit down on the ground still holding the shell and whisper, So good fortune rushes to meet me, I thank you, Lady Moon for blessings soon to be received.

Sleep with the shell or stone beside you until the writing fades, in which case on the following full moon night or just before, cast it in water and make a new good luck shell moon charm.

Happy Moonday.

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