Happy Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere

Happy Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Beginning on March 20 at 03.06 UTC. Its energies can be experienced right now and also in the days following. It is at precisely the same moment the Autumn or Fall Equinox occurs in the Southern hemisphere. For both it is the point of equal day and night (see www.timeanddate.com for the precise Equinox time where you live)

The Equinox should be a time for rejoicing, of balance, the moment of radiating calm, acceptance and waiting, pausing while the world draws cosmic breath.  

If we can stop taking everything apart and then wondering why what was perfectly serviceable no longer works or knocking down our Lego brick tower of seeming supremacy again and again so that we can build it twice as high but half as securely, we can learn from the Equinox energies to maybe hesitate before scrambling for the latest updated version of the software of life involving demolition, destruction or rebuilding what does not need reconstructing but just repairing.

The return of balance halts momentarily the extremes.  Poverty and wealth, war and peace, stagnation, fire, wind  and flood before life frantically turns again; as the fairground ride lurches upwards and plunges for manufactured thrills to satisfy the need for constant movement and action till the Divine Operator says Ride over.

The Equinox is a reminder not to miss the opportunity to step back and notice the blossoming flowers or the rainbow of turning autumn leaves and reassess our own priorities for resolving problems by reason and negotiation, the realization in the moment of stillness we don’t have to possess or do it all now.

Mother Nature turns the wheel of the year and spring with its new beginnings and autumn with its reconciliation of what did and did not thrive. She is a reminder of the Equinox gift to reassess what has been achieved and still can be attained; time at the turning of the year to make up that old quarrel, not waiting till next month, next year and speaking too, the words of love and appreciation. Give flowers to a loved one now on the Equinox to bring and share their pleasure rather than waiting to make offerings one day to fade on a grave.

We should not give up on people or situations where there is still hope and love, or where we discover we and they are mortal, not angels or demons. There can be forgiveness and understanding and new beginnings in this pause between reacting, acting, trying to rewrite what cannot be changed or anticipating events that may never occur. We cannot stop the Wheel of Time but we can learn from the Equinox to strive for inner peace and equilibrium that this may radiate just a little and then a little more through the whole world.

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