Welcome to the twin festivals of Imbolc in the Northern hemisphere and Lughnassadh or Lammas in the Southern world at the same moment in time, spanning the end of January and beginning of February.
Imbolc brings the first stirring of life, the fire in the belly of the maiden goddess, momentary warmth in the depths of winter. Lammas marks the willing offering by the Grain god of his life as the first harvest grain to be cut, made into the first loaf.
As harvest approaches in the southern world, wherever you live, embrace the efforts, patience and perseverance necessary for your dreams to bear fruit by the next Imbolc - or if a longer- term venture by the time the Wheel of the year reaches Lammas again.
If life is unfair or seems dark and hopeless across the wheel is Imbolc where the maiden goddess Brigit is already melting sorrows with her willow wand, and fears, obstacles and doubts melt away.
The twin energies of the re-wakening, of the land, the sowing and the reaping of the harvest, half a world away, but sharing the same moment in time, revolve continuously; tending the growing grain in good times and harsh, in bounty and through arid days, reaping what has grown and accepting with regret what did not.
- Light twin white and golden yellow candles for Imbolc and Lughnassadh and say I reach out in the trust my needs will be met. I plant in my actions and words what most I desire to nurture in my life.
- Sprinkle a few grains of dried sage or rosemary in each flame, leaving the candles to burn.
- Scatter the rest of the herbs outdoors in trust they will be dispersed by the wind or to take root as is destined.
- While the candles are burning, use a bread mix or make your own from any standard recipe with a fast- rising yeast.
- Say over the rising bread, Creative shall I be, Expressing outwardly, what awakens now within me,
- If you do not have time to make your own bread, use a bread roll and trace above it with the index finger of the hand with which you write, the same words.
- Sit in the candlelight, allowing ideas to come of whatever form of creativity inspires you, interior design, music, sewing, gardening, book writing, having a baby, making a beautiful home of love, healing, singing, travel, learning a new activity, making a website, podcast or launching a business of any kind. The creativity can be one that gives you pleasure and does not have to be commercial, rekindling the joyous way you danced or sang at the top of your voice missing the odd octave of tunefulness as a child.
- When the bread has risen, cook the bread or gently heat the ready-made roll and eat some while warm, focusing on the joy of the results, even if different from what you imagined.
Absorbing wishes through food traditionally gives power to make them come true by awakening your inner storehouse of potential. Now do something fun and creative, just for yourself. As the grains of your gifts grow, you may find you can make an income from what you enjoy most-or just the pleasure of manifesting your harvest treasures.