Welcome to the Full Buck Moon

Welcome to the Full Buck Moon

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Welcome to the Full Buck Moon at 10.17 UTC on July 21, the second full moon in Capricorn this year (the previous one, the Strawberry Moon, was on June 21, mingling with the Solstice energies).

In a number of Native North American traditions, this is the time when antlers on stags are fully grown; known also as Thunder Moon because of the prevalence of sudden storms. It offers growing power, but power to be used wisely.

At the second surge of Capricorn energies, proceed slowly and wait until you are sure of your ground, remaining silent until you have checked your facts rather than speaking impulsively and regretting it afterwards; only then act decisively and don’t waver. Conserve your resources instead of splurging, unless what you know is a sound investment and do not squander energy on what will or does no longer bear fruit.

This moon boosts whatever is solid, business ventures, existing relationships rather than instant gratification and slow growing investments, advising perseverance to overcome obstacles.

Devise plans and detailed preparations for the months ahead, take financial advice, revive old friendships, spend time with older relatives and also make a determined effort to resolve slow moving official matters.

Four supermoons are on their way, starting next month,

If you are starting over again, this moon will enable you to make the first steps in confidence that the double surge of Capricorn energies will hold matters steady. An excellent moon for the release of money that has been tied up or disputed being released in the coming weeks.  

Finally a moon for leaving burdens and unnecessary obligations or demands, to flow slowly away with the wane, ready for the next crescent when you can walk free towards the light of those supermoons.

You will need:

A small round black stone and a similar white one; a small drawstring bag.

  • After dark, close your hands around the dark stone and say, Wise Mother Moon, as you reach your height, I give to you this burden I no longer wish to carry,
  • Bury the stone or crystal in the ground or a plant pot, saying, Kind Mother Moon, take what weighs so heavily into your dark warm cloak of night for transformation.
  • Wash your hands in water you have placed outdoors at moon rise and using your power hand (the one you write with), dip the white stone in the water, hold it up to the moon and say: Mother Moon, I go forward  step by step and stage by stage, through the wane and the darkness safe, secure and in confidence that when next I see the crescent all shall be well.
  • Carry your white stone in a bag until the next crescent moon and then cast it in flowing water.

Happy moondays

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