Welcome to the full Flower moon in Sagittarius on May 23

Welcome to the full Flower moon in Sagittarius on May 23

Monday, May 20, 2024

at 13.53 UTC (see www.timeanddate.com for time of moon rise in your location).

The rising of this moon heralds the transition to full summer in the northern lands with the blooming of the flowers. The Creek and Choctaw nations call it the Mulberry moon and the Lakota the Moon of the Green leaves.

Wherever you live in the world the Sagittarian moon stirs your heart and gets your feet dancing, even if you are out of practice because of circumstances or you feel weighed down by the sorrows in the world.

This is the moon of smiles and as you smile at total strangers or even those who make you want to snarl, that smile spreads through your life and then outwards without limits.

Adnachiel, the angel of learning and exploration with bright yellow robes, is the angel of this full moon and he bring restlessness, curiosity to explore over the horizon and questions whether life has to be the way it is, illuminating the sleepy dusty corners of doubts and inertia. He brings the desire and possibility of travel and exploration, clear vision, wide perspectives, flexibility, open-mindedness, optimism, enthusiasm and creativity especially in writing, as well as fertility in every way.

A time to visit those places, maybe even off the main highway you regularly travel, about which you have always wondered (even mini- adventures can be exciting), house moves, trying new sports and leisure activities, learning new things just for the pleasure of it and for finding lost pets or if your pet has passed over, visiting a rescue centre to see who needs a place in your heart (maybe your old pet returned in the body of a now abandoned young animal).

Seize the moment, believing even if things are bad, they will get better if you make the first brave move. Anything is possible and if you can’t travel far right now, enjoy a day of fun and laughter in the full moon period, vowing each day of the coming month to make yourself happy in a small way. That happiness will spread and call opportunity to you.

But watch what you say and how you say it, for tact goes out of the window with this moon. If you feel like walking or running away with a grand gesture of defiance, don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater right away. Wait till the moon wanes and see if you feel the same or if maybe there are new ways of resolving old questions or issues.

An Adnachiel ritual if you want but fear change or making those first steps, tiny or gigantic.

You will need

A bright yellow candle for Adnachiel.

A picture or drawn map of your workplace/current or future location or of yourself if you are seeking a new partner but have been hurt, whatever is driving the change that worries you. Set this in front of the candle.

A magnet and box of pins.


Any time around the Sagittarian full moon.

The Ritual:

  • Light the candle saying, Adnachiel, Angel of Adventure, assist me on this uncertain venture. Let changes advantageous be, That I may survive and also thrive, and a brighter future see.
  • Cast the pins over the picture/map saying New energies are  stirring, bringing uncertainty, help me Angel of new ventures, to draw new life to me.
  • Gather the pins using the magnet and return them to the box saying, Adnachiel, Angel of Adventure, you offer new courage to me, I welcome change as you arrange and go forth hopefully.
  • Leave the candle to burn, then put the map or picture where the morning light will regularly shine on it.
  •  Take the first steps.

Happy and adventurous Sagittarian Full Moon.



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