Welcome to the Full Moon on February 12 at 13.53 UTC in Leo (see www.timeanddate.com for moon rise in your location). On February 9th the planet Mars can be seen very close to the Waxing Gibbous moon so the rising energies promise a particularly proactive phase, especially if you have previously been overlooked or disregarded in career, socially or in love. Time for setting out your stall of talents, claiming centre stage and fund raising for your favourite good cause or money spinning to fulfil a personal dream. Just beware underhanded tactics from rivals or those who would claim credit for your ideas.
In the Norse world, the fusion of fire and ice brought creation into being. Not always an easy moon in colder climes, often called Snow, Ice or Hunger Moon in parts of Native North America; but the Tlingit named it Black Bear Moon because it is the time the cubs are born and life stirs anew.
In the modern world in both hemispheres there are hard and sad times as the Snow Moon rises, caused both by unusually extreme weather and human induced tragedies involving the innocent.
Yet Verchiel, the golden joy bringer, and Archangel of Leo, radiates sunbeams and brings with this moon that shines from sunset through the watches of the night, till dawn, hope that the intrinsic goodness of humanity will win through. It may not yet be time for those bear cubs to explore the spring sunshine, but they are growing stronger, even as the Leo sun and full moon combine to overcome indifference to the needs of others and those who refuse to let love and compassion warm their hearts.
- Set a bowl containing a few ice cubes in the centre of a circle of twelve small alternate gold and silver candles or tea lights in a warm room. Use white if you cannot obtain gold and silver.
- Light first a silver candle saying, Snow Moon then a gold one saying, Power of the Sun continuing round the circle clockwise lighting and naming them until all twelve are lit.
- Then move your writing hand clockwise and the other anticlockwise in circles with your palms flat and facing down around the outside of the candle circle slowly, repeating as a soft chant, May coldness melt, may healing flow, joy bringing Verchiel make it so.
- Name the issue/s close to your heart right now. Then clap your hands high over the candle circle and say Let peace prevail.
- Name also anyone close to you who has been or is ill, facing uncertain results of medical treatment or has suffered loss. Name also any global issues where there is an impasse.
- Leave the ice to melt and use the time for making an effort to resolve any personal obstacles or emotional coldness and estrangement. Send a message or small gift on this moon to anyone you meant to contact but time slipped away.
- When the ice is melted, pour the water outdoors if it will not freeze on the ground or under a running tap, saying, Flow and grow, it shall be so.
May your Snow moon be the beginning of new happy times in your life, of loved ones and in the wider world.