Welcome to the full Pink moon passing through Scorpio

Welcome to the full Pink moon passing through Scorpio

Saturday, April 20, 2024

on April 23, at 23.48 UTC (see www.timeanddate.com for moon rise in your region).

The Pink moon is named after the blooming of the early springtime flower in central and eastern North America called moss phlox or moss pink. This moon is also named Breaking Ice Moon among the Algonquin people or Moon when the streams are navigable again by the Dakota nation, so heralding the breakthrough of new flowing energies, perhaps for world peace in the many troubled lands

The flower, like the moon, represents growing or restored unity among partners, family, friends, organizations and communities, reopening communication to move seemingly immovable situations forward; an ideal moon for a romantic proposal if contemplating marriage or major love commitment or by sending a bouquet of pink flowers to someone you may have taken for granted.

A moon of intensity, of transformation too; if you feel you are constantly swimming upstream in your life. For the Scorpio full moon offers regeneration, rebirth, renewal and the impetus to shed all that is holding you back.

But a moon for some of pain; for new beginnings, new growth can be an acknowledgement that we can wait no longer for love to return, for someone to change or the golden lottery to win to shower from the skies.

The ice is cracking and we must go forward, negotiating what may be rapids or rocks beneath, to be navigated with care, but nevertheless moving forward with determination to seek and seize the right opportunity, start tackling a debt mountain, put your house on the market or say be with me or goodbye.

The springtime phlox is blossoming and the angel of this shimmering moon, Bariel, angel of small miracles, promises we can and must choose the direction rather than resisting inevitable movement or being carried to where and what we may not  want to be. My late mother used to say Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe and the bright Scorpio moon will light the way, not with ease but  with its transformative energies to where you want most to be. 

If  we feel too tired to rejoin the fast-flowing stream or this bright moon hurts too much for whatever reason, try this:

  • Light a purple candle, holding a dark coloured crystal or stone to its light saying, Since life cannot be what it was before, I will no longer knock on locked and barred doors.
  • Light a grey candle, holding a grey crystal or stone to its light, saying, Yet shall I fulfil a different destiny, Bariel, angel of small miracles, Lend determination  and courage to me.
  • Light a white candle, holding a white crystal or stone to it, saying, A talisman of future days, A charm to guide me to more promising ways.
  • Extinguish the dark candle, burying the black stone.
  • Blow out the grey candle, tossing the grey stone into the air in an open space.
  • Leave the white candle safely burning and carry the white crystal as a talisman.

Happy Scorpio moon transformation. I will buy pink flowers in faith life will flow gloriously on as the ice, barrier and illusory security, breaks away, carrying with it my fears.

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