Welcome to the full Wolf moon in Leo

Welcome to the full Wolf moon in Leo

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

on January 25 at 17.54 UTC. It is the first full moon of the year and being in Leo we have a solar burst even as New Year resolutions are losing their sparkle and we are asking will this year be just more of the same?

Known as  Cold Moon among the Cree nation, Hard Moon by the Dakota people as the fallen snow becomes solid and the green growth seems far away; above all Spirit Moon among the Ojibwe for the light in the darkness.

The Seneca nation believed a wolf gave birth to the moon by singing her into the sky; in the northern hemisphere at the darkest coldest time we seek the lunar brightness to carry us forward to those lighter warmer days and perceptibly shorter nights..

As the full moon rises in Leo we have the fusion of moon and sun, inner and outer, silver and gold, as this solar inspired first moon of 2024 calls in a year belonging to Metatron the Archangel of transformation.

A powerful moon for reaching out dynamically and without doubt or fear of failing or falling as wolves and humans alike, call to their Moon Mother, for actual and spiritual sustenance knowing she hears.

Try this ritual for whatever you most want to attain and let none cast doubt or scorn on your dreams. All things are possible if  bring our dreams down into our daily mundanity  like a shimmering moonbeam to be transformed  into a sudden flare of sunshine.

  • Light a gold candle for the Leo influence and a silver one for the full moon.
  • Surround them with nine coins of any denomination, alternately gold and silver coloured (five gold and four silver).
  • Pick up each coin in turn moving clockwise as you do so and pass each coin in turn over the silver and then gold candle, saying for each, Gold and silver to me come, Silver of the Moon and gold of the Sun. That I may shine bright as you, And good fortune in my life renew (name what you most want, not necessarily materially in your life to fulfil).
  • Now collect all the coins and shake them nine times in your open cupped hands, saying nine times, Gold and silver shall be won, Silver of the Moon and gold of the Sun, Into my life power do I call, And to succeed I will give my all  (name what power you most need in your life to succeed).
  • At the end of the final chant blow out the candles fast saying Gold and silver have I won, silver of the Moon and gold of the Sun, Sun and Moon shine down on me, As my own good fortune I create to be.
  • Take the first step to your fulfilment.
  • Give the coins to charity or spend on something small that gives you pleasure.

Happy, happy moon.

(for the time of the full moon rise in your own location see www.timeanddate.com)

Follow me on Instagram at instagram.com/cassandraeasonofficial

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