Welcome to the Summer Solstice

Welcome to the Summer Solstice

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Welcome to the Summer Solstice, the height of the sun in the Northern hemisphere and the Midwinter Solstice, the rebirth of light in the Southern world on June 20 at 20.50 UTC (check www.timeanddate.com for the variation of the precise times and dates the solstice illuminates your region).

Traditionally the Solstice is celebrated for a three day/night period from June 19- 22 depending on the astronomical calendar of the particular year and your location. Close this year to the June Solstice is the Strawberry Full Moon (a uniting of solar and lunar energies that occurs only once about every twenty years). The transition from Gemini to Cancer too at this time, creates powerful integrating energies as mind and heart embrace both challenges and opportunities.

At the time of greatest light in the Northern hemisphere and the rebirth of the sun in the Southern climes, both festivals are two halves of the same brilliant sun wheel, two sides of the ever-turning Wheel of the World. Moons grow full, wane and are reborn; tides ebb, flow and pause for reflection at tide turn. We too pass through many cycles of growth, small deaths and rebirths in our lifetime and even from solstice to solstice. We carry within us those tides, moons and the seasons; we are part of them. If we can harmonise with the ebbs and flows we can surge forward on the impetus of the high and wait for the passing of the lows at these cosmic change points, Midsummer and Midwinter and hold fast to what is unchanging and eternal.

Try this around Solstice morn or eve for seven consecutive days to harness your Solstice power and bring the light of the sun to even the darkest days.

You will need: A long gold cord or ribbon for Michael Archangel of the Sun who blesses Midwinter and Midsummer alike.

  • On day 1, tie the first knot in your cord or ribbon, working over the coming days from the bottom to the top of the cord, tying knots at equal intervals, saying Today I bind good fortune in.
  • On day 2, tie the second knot, adding, That I will have the power to win.
  • On Day 3, tie the third, adding to the first two, That happiness shall shine once more.
  • On Day 4, tie the fourth, increasing the words with And good luck knock upon my door.
  • On Day 5, tie the fifth knot and swell the chant with, So ventures and adventures grow by the score.
  • On Day 6, tie the sixth, saying in addition, Achievement follows the more I strive.
  • On Day 7, tie the seventh, complete with, And good times grow, flourish and thrive.
  • Hang the cord inside the front door of your home or in your workspace . 
  • When you need a boost in happiness, healing or good luck, touch each knot, saying its words, Every Midsummer or Midwinter six months ahead replace the old cord and burn it or bury the old one beneath thriving plants.Happy Solstice and may light shine or return golden to your lives.  

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